Educational Clips in Inspections
Jason Harab
John tested to see if URLs could be added to inspection items and then clicked by clients when the get it... I think we're looking to move this forward by adding videos to YouTube and then including links to those videos in the predefined "Findings" for inspection items.
John Alderman
John Alderman
Michael Calkins this is a really great idea. It's something that we have been talking about for a while and it's a matter of when and not "if" we want to do this. We actually put creating these as a stretch goal for Q4. That's likely a long shot, but I'm looping in Sarah Twigg who can share where this stands.
Sarah Twigg
John Alderman: This will be a Q1 initiative depending on how full Beth Coleman's plate is with some other priorities we have. But definitely on the roadmap! Not to replace our current videos but as collateral to share to educate clients and use across other channels too.