Drop down for first time oil change
Jason Harab
John Alderman
Jason Harabhey, just checking in on this. Did we move forward with this or has it been tabled?
Jason Harab
Brian Healy
John Alderman this is a operational efficiency that Rhyan and I brainstormed on to ensure that since the First time oil change is only for first time clients, it is there to ensure that every client (even details) are at least offered the oil change so they actively have to defer the $20 price to the regular price for the next time. Also gets their mind set for our full service as opposed to being surprised when we do a safety inspection. Daniel Burns
John Alderman
under review
John Alderman
Rhyan this seems like a good idea. do you think it would save you and others time and improve the client experience? Looping in Jason Harab who would be the one to build it to see what he thinks and if he can add it to the queue.