Creative Implementation of QC Checklist
John Alderman
Daniel Burns
We did! I would say day one was a success. We had some good ideas come out of it, Brian suggested attaching to the hat tag & Gabe had a really good Idea to have the valet driver returning the vehicle take a picture of the completed list. I know I witnessed one particular situation where it saved us from returning a car to a client without a brake light getting replaced & the complimentary wash. The application needs some help. Printing MSword doc, 3 copies of the list on each page. Cutting with scissors and stapling to the hat tag. I need to get it professionally printed. Dragging my feet hoping for a groundbreaking idea.
John Alderman
in progress
John Alderman
Daniel Burns hey just wanted to check-in on this. Have you put in place the list you were working on last week?